Health is the priceless treasure and more expensive than money

The Truth Revealed About The Top Skin Care Lines

| Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Let me ask you a simple question. Have you ever looked into the mirror and wished those wrinkles would go away? Are you tired of having dry, scruffy skin? Or age spots are what you really worry about? The top skin care lines can take care of each and every one of these problems. The trick lies in identifying these effective products.

First let’s talk about what the top skin care lines do not contain. The most important thing to remember is, whichever product you choose, it should not contain any chemicals at all. Many companies add in harmful chemicals like Parabens in their products to save money. Parabens are effective preservatives. They are also dangerous chemicals which can cause cancer over a period of time.

Mineral oil is frequently used in skin creams as a moisturizing agent. Fact is, it is a by product of gasoline distillation and is harmful for the skin. It may seem to work well initially, but it makes the skin dependent on it and leaves the skin even drier than before. Fragrances are frequently used in these products to make them more attractive. However, they are also chemicals which can cause skin allergies and irritation

So chemicals are definitely out. What you need to look for are natural ingredients that can rejuvenate your skin safely. Look for the following ingredients:

Phytessence Wakame - This Japanese sea kelp is very beneficial for the skin. Not only does it nourish the skin with vitamin B complex and minerals like iron, potassium and calcium, but also keeps it firm and smooth by preventing the breakdown of hyraluronic acid in it. It also protects the skin from the UV rays of the sun – the primary cause of age spots.

Cynergy TK - Cynergy TK stimulates the production of Collagen and Elastin in the skin. This helps in keeping the skin youthful and wrinkle free. It also acts as an effective moisturizer.

Extrapone Nutgrass - This amazing plant extract found in the top skin care lines reduces the Melanin content in our skin. Since high melanin levels cause age spots, Extrapone Nutgrass fades away existing spots and prevents new ones from appearing too.

Active Manuka Honey - This special type of honey is a powerful anti oxidant. It protects the skin from the damage caused by free radicals. It also promotes the regeneration of collagen in the skin.

Put this to the test right away and find out the top skin care lines containing these ingredients. There is no better way to have a naturally beautiful skin.
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