Health is the priceless treasure and more expensive than money

Effective Ways To Prevent Hair Loss For Both Men And Women

| Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Don’t despair if you are losing your hair. The various ways discussed below, when adhered to will go a long way to help you.

There is the need to take good care of your hair. Hair dyes, curling irons and hairdryers should not be over used. Too much of everything is bad.

You should not color your hair over a long period of time. However letting your hair turn naturally gray is the best thing you can do.

The hair should not be over stretched when braiding. Fixing the hair tightly can cause a significant hair loss.

For all parts of the body to grow very well there is the need to eat the right foods. Diets rich in calcium are very important to strengthen your hair follicles and roots in your scalp.

Antibiotics intake often enhances hair loss. We turn to take them most often when we are ill. One should therefore try to remain in a good physical condition in order to prevent the consequences that it has on your hair.

Be selective in choosing shampoos and hair conditioners after a good hair wash. Use combs that are not more closed as they generate more friction. Do not follow the persuasive adverts that you see on TV. For all the products that you use on your hair, see an expert to select the right category for you. This will save you a lot from loosing your hair unnecessarily.

Last but not the least, cap wearing for long periods of time leads to hair loss. This is because most of the time you replace fresh air, which is good for your hair, with hot one. The cap also rubs itself against the scalp to facilitate falling hair.
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