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Hair loss - 3 Top Secret Tips For Prevention

| Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Hair loss - 3 Top Secret Tips For Prevention

In America, there are about 20 Million females and 40 Million males who are suffering from thinning hair and significant hair loss. Being bald is not something people welcome. Unfortunately, the hair loss condition is very much a reality for most people today. The good thing about it, though, is that anyone can do something in preventing hair loss.

1.Dieting and exercising may be one of the easiest thing you can do for preventing hair loss due to nutrient deficiency. It is a known fact with this hurry up and go life style American eat tons of fast food these days which are loaded with fats and carry few nutrients. It is also a fact that having less of some nutrients like iron, magnesium, zinc and B complex vitamins can cause hair fall. The best solution to this is to eat a nutritious diet. Exercising regularly will also improve your blood circulation which is crucial for the efficient distribution of nutrients to your hair.

2.Letting Your Hair Rest could easily help with hair loss. Everyone like to look good and keep up on all the latest styles. Abusing your hair with tight hair styles like braids, pony tails and corn rolls can damage your follicles severely . Preventing hair loss of this kind is easy fix. Just style your hair differently.

3. Look for proven solutions. Hair loss medications come in several varieties. However, when buying a medication always make sure it is approved by the FDA. This helps make sure the product will not cause any harmful effects and that they’re not a one time hair loss treatment.

Natural remedies including oils and herbal cures might be slow in giving results but on the long term you will be amazed to see your hair loss being completely cured.
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