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Best Way to Remove Wrinkles with Top Wrinkle Cream

| Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Using a top wrinkle cream is the best way to prevent wrinkles. That is if the top wrinkle cream is safe and effective. It will be if it uses natural plant based ingredients. First, I'm going to tell you why wrinkles come about in the first place. Then what to use to prevent wrinkles the best way and how to reduce and even remove sagging skin and wrinkles.

Wrinkles - Where Do They Come From?

Is it from old age? Not entirely. Is it from the sun? Some of it. Is it from the skin care products I use? Good chance that is the main cause. Surprised? Keep reading, please. Where wrinkles come from isn't really a concern if you already have them. What can I do to get rid of them? If you don't have them keep reading. What everyone needs is a plant derived wrinkle cream. It must contain NO synthetics, just REAL natural ingredients.

Getting Healthy Skin Again

The sun is much to blame for wrinkles but the underlying cause can be a lack of collagen. Once the collagen is returned to a functioning condition, wrinkles will either be removed or greatly reduced. To help this to happen, an ingredient called keratin comes to the rescue. But not just any "keratin". It must be one that works. Functional keratin or Cynergy TK is the one that works amazingly well. Also shea butter, plant oils and vitamin E will help the skin to get healthy once again. It just takes a little time and regular application.

Natural Ingredients Are The Key

Healing of the skin results from having a top wrinkle cream with the right ingredients in the proper concentration. It does no good to have the right ingredients with just a trace amount. Many skin companies do just that. I call them "skin flint companies". Also please note that hydration is very important and is one of the best ways to prevent wrinkles. We are 70% water, so that should be a clue.

Elasticity of Your Skin

Keratin, referred to above, is a protein that will stimulate the growth of the skin. As a result the increased elasticity of the skin. Healthy skin is enhanced by antioxidants like vitamin E along with Functional Keratin (Cynergy TK).

Avoid Certain Ingredients

There are a lot of bad ingredients in some skin care products. To name a few: alcohol, petroleum, mineral oil and parabens.

For a list of more ingredients to avoid and those to use, please see my website for details.

Also synthetic ingredients should be on your "hit list”. Synthetics are mostly concocted chemicals and could cause more damage than good. Read the label before you buy. Better yet contact the manufacturer and ask what is in the product and why the imitation ingredients. Or you can do what I did, find a good, reliable company that will answer your concerns. One that uses ingredient that benefit your appearance.

Preventing and removing wrinkles can be a challenge. I hope that some of what I mentioned here will help you make better choices as to what you put on your skin.

And now please see the A Healthy Radiant Skin website listed below for more complete details on the best way to remove wrinkles with the top wrinkle cream.
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